[Ips-dsgr] ASWFC Daily Report - 11 February 24 issued 2330 UT on 11 Feb 2024 [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Regional Warning Centre rwc at ips.gov.au
Mon Feb 12 10:30:56 EST 2024

ASWAS SCALE DESCRIPTION: https://bit.ly/3lmaMBx
Activity 11 Feb:  R1

Flares    Max     Fadeout    Freq.  Sectors
  M9.0 10/2307UT  probable   lower  West Pacific
  M1.0    2245UT  possible   lower  East Pacific/
                                    North American

Observed 10.7 cm flux/Equivalent Sunspot Number for 11 Feb: 180/133

             12 Feb             13 Feb             14 Feb
Activity     Moderate           Moderate           Moderate
Fadeouts     Possible           Possible           Possible
10.7cm/SSN   182/135            180/133            180/133

COMMENT: Solar activity on UT day 11-Feb was R1, with an M1 solar 
flare observed at 11/2245 UT. Also, an M9 level solar flare (R2) 
was observed at 10/2300 UT from AR3576 (S17W23, beta-gamma-delta). 
There are currently six numbered sunspots on the solar disk. 
AR3576 still remains the largest and most magnetically complex, 
but it has shown overall decay. This region still maintains at 
least one delta spot however and still may have the potential 
for X-class solar flares. AR3582 (N06E05, beta) and AR3584 (S16E58, 
beta) have also shown noticeable growth over the past day, but 
have not yet produced any significant solar flares. Solar activity 
is expected to be mostly R1-R2 over 12-14 Feb, with a slight 
chance for R3. 

An Earth-directed CME was associated with the 
M9 solar flare from AR3576 and was first seen at 10/2348 UT. 
While the bulk of this CME was deflected to the northwest, an 
impact is still expected by 13/1000 UT +/- 12 hours. Two other 
CMEs were observed today at 11/0600 UT in the southeast and then 
at 11/0800 UT in the southwest. Both of these events are considered 
to be farside and not geoeffective. 

On UT day 11-Feb a moderate 
shock in the solar wind was observed at 0125 UT. This is suspected 
to be a glancing blow from the CME that was associated with the 
X3 solar flare on 09-Feb, which is considered to have been a 
farside event.

 The peak total interplanetary field strength (IMF, 
Bt) was 20 nT and the north-south IMF component range was +15 
to -15 nT. While there were several intermittent periods of southward 
oriented Bz, the event was relatively short lived. The solar 
wind speed reached a peak of 678 km/s and is currently near 550 

 The solar wind is expected to remain enhanced on 12-Feb, 
particularly near the end of the UT day when a CME is expected 
to arrive. It is also possible further enhancements may be observed 
throughout the day due to the CME associated with the M3 solar 
flare on 10-Feb; while this CME was launched from the eastern 
limb, it had a similarly wide extent as the X3 associated CME. 
Additional to these CMEs is a possible glancing blow from a CME 
first observed on 08-Feb, although this is not expected to be 
significant. Further enhancements are then expected on 13-Feb 
due to the arrival of the CME associated with the M9 solar flare. 
Solar wind is expected to begin a return to background levels 
on 14-Feb. The 10 MeV protons were at S2 solar radiation storm 
levels, but began declining after the CME passed at around 400 
UT. The 10 MeV protons reached a peak of 132 pfu, but are now 
at S0 levels near 7 pfu. S0 solar radiation storm conditions 
are expected over 12-14 Feb, however may fluctuate around the 
S1 threshold. It may also see an increase if AR3576 produces further 
solar flares.


Geomagnetic field for Australian Region 11 Feb: G1

Estimated Indices 11 Feb : A   K           
   Australian Region      16   53431312
      Cocos Island        13   53331201
      Darwin              12   -4331312
      Townsville          21   63431322
      Learmonth           21   63432312
      Alice Springs       16   53431302
      Gingin              15   43432322
      Canberra            13   43431212
      Hobart              13   43432212    

Estimated Antarctic Regional K Indices 11 Feb :
      Macquarie Island    15   33353211
      Casey               44   67543333
      Mawson              24   45432344

Observed Regional daily pc3 Indices 11 Feb : 
      Darwin               0   (Quiet)
      Townsville           2   (Quiet)
      Learmonth            0   (Quiet)
      Alice Springs        0   (Quiet)
      Gingin               6   (Quiet)
      Canberra             4   (Quiet)
      Hobart              16   (Quiet)

Pc3 pulsations are high frequency (10-45 second period) variations 
of the Earths magnetic field. Daily pc3-indices are the daily sum 
of 20 minute pc3-indices for that station and have been shown to be
well correlated with rejection of high resolution aeromagnetic
survey flight-line data. 

NOTE: Indices may have been generated from data obtained in 
cooperation with the following organisations: Geoscience Australia, 
University of Newcastle Space Physics Group, Australian Government 
Antarctic Division and International Center for Space Weather 
Science and Education, Japan.

Estimated AFr/Ap Indices 11 Feb : A 
           Fredericksburg        13
           Planetary             15                         

Observed AFr/Ap Indices 10 Feb :  A   K
           Fredericksburg         4
           Planetary              4   0111 1102     

Date      Ap    Conditions
12 Feb    18    G1-G2
13 Feb    26    G2, chance G3
14 Feb    10    G0, chance G1

COMMENT: ASWFC Geomagnetic Warning 5 was issued on 10 February 
and is current for 12-13 Feb. The Australian region as a whole 
reached G1 geomagnetic conditions on UT day 12-Feb due to the 
CME associated with the recent X3 solar flare. Townsville and 
Learmonth both recorded a single period of G2. G1-G3 geomagnetic 
conditions were observed in Antarctica, and G0 geomagnetic conditions 
were observed on the planetary scale. 

G0 geomagnetic conditions 
are expected initially on 12-Feb, however a shock from a CME 
that was associated with an M3 solar flare that was first seen 
from 10/0348 UT is possible. While this CME was launched from 
the eastern limb, it was very wide, and may have a glancing impact 
today. Additionally, G1-G2 geomagnetic conditions may arise due 
to another expected impact from a CME that was first seen 10/0724 
UT associated with AR3576. Another CME is expected to arrive 
near 13/1000 UT +/- 12 hours that was associated with the M9 
flare from AR3576. All together, these events may reach G3 geomagnetic 
conditions on 13-Feb. Conditions are expected to begin to return 
to normal on 14-Feb.

	            Latitude Band
Date        Low            Middle         High 
11 Feb      Normal         Normal-fair    Poor(PCA)      

PCA Event : 10MeV Proton/PCA Event Began at 1515UT 09/02, Ended at 1750UT 11/02

	            Latitude Band
Date        Low            Middle         High 
12 Feb      Normal         Normal         Fair
13 Feb      Normal-fair    Fair           Fair-poor
14 Feb      Normal-fair    Fair           Fair

COMMENT: HF radio communication conditions on UT day 11-Feb were 
generally normal at low latitudes. Poor conditions were observed 
at high latitudes due to polar cap absorption (PCA), and fair 
conditions were observed at middle latitudes. Conditions are 
expected to be generally normal at all latitudes at the beginning 
of 12-Feb, but may become degraded by the end of the UT day due 
to anticipated geomagnetic activity. Degradations are likely 
to continue over 13-14 Feb due to further expected geomagnetic 
activity. Shortwave fadeouts are possible.


Date   T index
11 Feb   157

Observed Australian Regional MUFs
   Cocos Island Region:
      Enhanced by 15% during local day.
      Enhanced by 35% during local night.
   Niue Island Region:
      Enhanced by 30% during local day.
      Enhanced by 35% during local night.
      Enhanced by 20% after local dawn.
   Northern Australian Region:
      Enhanced by 15% during local day.
      Enhanced by 35% during local night.
   Southern Australian Region:
      Near predicted monthly values during local day.
      Enhanced by 20% during local night.
   Antarctic Region (Casey/Davis/Mawson):
      Near predicted monthly values over the UT day.

Monthly T index:
Month  T index
Jan      144
Feb      108
Mar      108

Date   T index  MUFs
12 Feb   140    Near predicted monthly values to 20% enhanced
13 Feb   115    Near predicted monthly values to 20% depressed
14 Feb   130    Near predicted monthly values to 20% depressed

COMMENT: ASWFC SWF HF Communications Warning 16 was issued on 
10 February and is current for 11-12 Feb. ASWFC HF Communications 
Warning 17 was issued on 11 February and is current for 11-12 
Feb. Maximum usable frequencies (MUFs) on UT day 11-Feb were 
near predicted values to 35% enhanced in the Australian region. 
A polar cap absorption event has been ongoing since 09/1520 UT 
affecting high latitudes, but is expected to end on 12-Feb. Spread-F 
was observed at Hobart during local night hours. MUFs are expected 
to be near predicted values on 12-Feb, but some enhancements 
may be observed at the start of the UT day. MUFs are expected 
to be near predicted monthly values to 20% depressed over 13-14 
Feb, with the worst depressions likely on 13-Feb due to anticipated 
geomagnetic activity. Shortwave fadeouts are possible.


GOES satellite data for 10 Feb
       Daily Proton Fluence >1 MeV:   3.8E+07
       Daily Proton Fluence >10 MeV:  1.1E+07
       Daily Electron Fluence >2 MeV: 1.80E+06   (normal fluence)
Electron Fluence Daily Deep Dielectric Discharge Probability: 1%
Fluence (flux accumulation over 24hrs)/ cm2-ster-day.
       X-ray background: C1.6

DSCOVR Satellite Solar Wind Day Averaged Data for 10 Feb
Speed: 387 km/sec  Density:    7.0 p/cc  Temp:    58400 K  Bz:   1 nT

(Courtesy Space Weather Prediction Center, Boulder USA)

Australian Space Weather Forecasting Centre
Bureau of Meteorology
ASWFC at bom.gov.au
www.bom.gov.au | www.sws.bom.gov.au

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