[ips-sf] IPS Summary Forecast for 15 March - issued 2331UT/14-Mar-2015

rwc rwc at ips.gov.au
Sun Mar 15 10:31:35 EST 2015

Solar activity was moderate during Mar 14. Active Region 2297 produced
eleven C class solar X ray flares and a M1.3 flare peaking at 04:40
UT. AR 2297 is located in a geoeffective region. AR 2297 was less
active than during previous days, but it is still sufficiently complex
to be the source of a strong solar flare and Coronal Mass Ejection
(CME). Other sunspot groups have formed, but so far they are
relatively inactive. There are currently no Earthward directed CMEs.
The solar wind speed declined during Mar 14 and is presently about 325
km/s. Geomagnetic conditions are expected to be quite to unsettled
during Mar 14. HF radio propagation conditions are expected to be near
normal at mid-latitudes in the Australian region during Mar 14. HF
propagation conditions may be strongly enhanced at equatorial and
tropical locations.

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