[Ips-wsgr] IPS Weekly Solar and Geophysical Report (11 May 01)
rwc at ips.gov.au
Fri May 11 11:04:11 EST 2001
1. SUMMARY (04 MAY - 10 MAY)
Date 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
10cm 176 161 155 138 129 129 130
AFr 5 2 5 11 16 19 ( 28)
Aaus 7 1 3 9 10 24 ( 13)
T 141 135 137 127 136 134 125
Solar: Solar flare activity
Geomagnetic: Geomagnetic activity observed for Australian Region.
Frequencies: Australian Ionospheric F2 critical frequencies
04 May
Solar: very low
Geomagnetic: Quiet to Unsettled
Equatorial PNG Region:
Near predicted monthly values.
Northern Australian Region:
Near predicted monthly values.
Southern Australian and New Zealand Region:
Enhanced by 15% during local day,
Enhanced by 20% during local night.
Antarctic Region (Casey/Scott Base):
Near predicted monthly values over the UT day.
05 May
Solar: moderate, with an M1/1F at 0856UT
Geomagnetic: Quiet
Equatorial PNG Region:
Enhanced by 15% during local day,
Enhanced by 15% during local night.
Enhanced by 20% after local dawn.
Northern Australian Region:
Near predicted monthly values.
Southern Australian and New Zealand Region:
Enhanced by 15% during local day,
Near predicted monthly values during local night.
Antarctic Region (Casey/Scott Base):
Enhanced by 20% over the UT day.
06 May
Solar: very low
Geomagnetic: Quiet
Equatorial PNG Region:
Enhanced by 15% during local day,
Enhanced by 15% during local night.
Northern Australian Region:
Near predicted monthly values during local day,
Enhanced by 15% during local night.
Southern Australian and New Zealand Region:
Mostly near predicted monthly values,
Antarctic Region (Casey/Scott Base):
Enhanced by 15% over the UT day.
Some spread F observed.
07 May
Solar: very low
Geomagnetic: Quiet to Unsettled
Equatorial PNG Region:
Mostly near predicted monthly values,
Northern Australian Region:
Near predicted monthly values during local day,
Depressed by 15% during local night.
Southern Australian and New Zealand Region:
Mostly near predicted monthly values,
Antarctic Region (Casey/Scott Base):
Near predicted monthly values over the UT day.
Spread F observed.
08 May
Solar: very low
Geomagnetic: Quiet to Unsettled
Equatorial PNG Region:
Enhanced by 20% during local day,
Near predicted monthly values during local night.
Northern Australian Region:
Near predicted monthly values during local day,
Enhanced by 15% during local night.
Southern Australian and New Zealand Region:
Near predicted monthly values.
Antarctic Region (Casey/Scott Base):
Near predicted monthly values over the UT day.
Absorption and spread F observed.
09 May
Solar: very low
Geomagnetic: Unsettled to Minor Storm
Equatorial PNG Region:
Enhanced by 15% during local day,
Near predicted monthly values during local night.
Northern Australian Region:
Mostly near predicted monthly values,
Southern Australian and New Zealand Region:
Near predicted monthly values.
Spread F local night hours.
Antarctic Region (Casey/Scott Base):
Near predicted monthly values over the UT day.
Spread F and absorption observed.
10 May
Solar: low
Geomagnetic: Quiet to Active
Equatorial PNG Region:
Near predicted monthly values during local day,
Enhanced by 15% during local night.
Northern Australian Region:
Near predicted monthly values.
Southern Australian and New Zealand Region:
Near predicted monthly values.
Spread F observed local night.
Antarctic Region (Casey/Scott Base):
Depressed by 20% over the UT day.
Spread F observed local night.
Comment: Activity on 09-10 May may possibly be related to
predominately westward directed coronal mass ejection on 07 May.
Degraded HF conditions observed at high latitudes 9-10 May.
2. FORECAST (11 MAY - 17 MAY)
Solar: Low to Moderate. M class flares possible if region develops.
Geomagnetic: Mostly Quiet to Unsettled with active intervals possible
12 and 15 May.
Frequencies: mildy depressed after local dawn on 12,15 May, otherwise MUFs
near normal. SWFs possible later in week.
At this time of the solar cycle, space weather conditions
are frequently determined by short timescale events, not
able to be forecasted a week in advance.
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