[ips-sf] ASWFC Summary Forecast for 12 May - issued 2333UT/11-May-2024 [SEC=OFFICIAL]

rwc rwc at ips.gov.au
Sun May 12 09:33:22 EST 2024

Solar activity on UT day 12-May is expected to be at R2-R3 levels. The
solar wind environment has been extremely enhanced due to recent CME
arrivals. The solar wind speed is expected to be very strong. G3
geomagnetic storm conditions are expected on 12-May due to further
anticipated CME arrivals. An S1 solar radiation storm is in progress.
HF radio communication conditions were very poor during the local day
yesterday, conditions are expected to be improved for today, before
becoming degraded again during local night hours tonight. Maximum
usable frequencies are expected to be near predicted monthly values
during the local day today then becoming degraded/depressed conditions
during local night hours tonight. Frequent shortwave fadeouts are
expected. Further auroral sightings may be possible tonight as far
north as southern NSW.

Australian Space Weather Forecasting Centre
Bureau of Meteorology
ASWFC at bom.gov.au
www.bom.gov.au | www.sws.bom.gov.au

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