[ips-sf] IPS Summary Forecast for 12 July - issued 2330UT/11-Jul-2014

rwc rwc at ips.gov.au
Sat Jul 12 09:30:34 EST 2014

The solar UV flux and solar X-ray flare activity are presently
declining as major sunspots decay and rotate toward the western limb.
Solar flare activity was low during 11 July. Active Region 2109
produced a single C4.6 event peaking at 00:44 UT. However, new sunspot
regions are developing and an isolated M class flare is possible
during the next 2 days. There were no new prominence eruptions during
11 July. The new hedgerow prominence visible on the north-east limb is
worth watching. Geomagnetic conditions are expected to be mostly quiet
during the next 3 days, but unsettled conditions are possible on 13
July due to the glancing impact of a CME. The solar wind speed is
presently trending downward toward 350 km/s. Conditions for HF radio
communication remain solid, but may soften next week due to the
declining solar flux levels.

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