Canberra aurora (2)

anonymous anonymous at fakedomain.ips
Sun Apr 1 00:19:11 EST 2001


When I sent my earlier email, I assumed that I'd seen the last of the
auroral displays for the evening.  Not so. At about 10.55pm EST there
was a brilliant rosy glow (6300A) in the south, reaching to an altitude
of around 30 degrees, with a bit of vertical structure in it.  Easily
the best and brightest display of the evening, at around IBC3 (obscuring
stars) or a little less. It only lasted for about 5-10 minutes and then
faded rapidly, with a few streamers appearing faintly and then
disappearing.  As of midnight, no further displays. 

There was no obvious correlation with the Canberra magnetometer record,
as far as I can see, but there must have been a heavy low energy
electron flux to excite all that atomic oxygen.



Nicholls Communications

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