aurora sighting

anonymous anonymous at fakedomain.ips
Sun Apr 1 00:15:39 EST 2001

Dear Sir,
 Just a short note to advise of aurora sighting. Sighting initially occured
at 13:00 UTC 31/03/01 location Berkeley a suburb of Wollongong 34.4830S,
 Conditions for observing poor due to street lighting and surrounding hills.
Aurora appeared as red to blood red glow to the south west.
 Drove to Port Kembla, app 4 km east of Berkeley. Aurora had died in
intensity at approx 13:20 but did remain visible with hazy bands visible
along with a general glow. Conditions for viewing at Port Kembla fairly good
as observation was across water.
 Thank you for the email alerts, this time it paid off and I have now seen
one of the things I have always wanted to.
 Regards to yourself and all the staff at IPS

 Chris Webb

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