ips-wsgr -- Weekly Solar and Geophysical Report


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The SWS Weekly Solar and Geophysical Report provides a one week summary and forecast of solar activity, geomagnetic activity and ionospheric conditions in the Australian region.

Solar summary information is a combination of data obtained from the US Space Weather Prediction Centres (SWPC) Report on Solar and Geophysical Activity (RSGA) and solar activity that has been reported from the SWS Culgoora Solar Observatory and the joint USAF/SWS Learmonth Solar Observatory (both as images and text reports). The US SWPC's RSGA is available at: US SWPC Report on Solar and Geophysical Activity Both the US SWPC and SWS are members of the International Space Environment Service (ISES).The ISES website is at: ISES home page. ISES is a international body through which Regional Warning Centres co-ordinate the exchange of space weather data. The SWPC operates the RWC Boulder, and SWS operates RWC Sydney. There are many RWC's around the world.

Solar imagery is used from around the world and from space based observation. A list of ground and space based observatories is available Solar observatories

Geomagnetic summary information is obtained from a network of IPS magentometers. K indices are generated from the magnetograms. Forecasts are a subjective assessment based on recent solar coronal mass ejection activity, Type II and IV radio sweeps and 27 day recurrence patterns. For more information on K indices see the SWS Help Page at: SWS Geophysical Help Page

Ionospheric summary information is based on a network of ionosondes operated by SWS which provide vertical maximum usable frequency measurements of the regional ionosphere. This allows both a text summary of the level of support to be generated and an ionospheric index, the T index to be calculated.

A forecast/outlook for the next 7 days is provided. The solar forecast is based on current on solar disk regions and any solar regions due for return to the solar disk during the week. The geomagnetic forecast is predominately a 27 day recurrence forecast, combined with anticipated effects from coronal mass ejection if CME activity has occured within a day of issue of the report. CME's typically take two days to reach the Earth, so the first couple of days of the geomagnetic report may contain storm activity due to cme, then coronal hole induce high speed wind stream effects (if any) for the remainder of the forecast week. An example 27 day geomagnetic activity recurrence board is available. This can be used to see repeating days of activity usually associated with coronal hole wind streams that persist for more than the average solar rotation period of 27 days. The 7 day forecast of the ionospheric support level basically follows the forecast of geomagnetic activity, with lower levels of ionospheric MUFs expected following days of increased geomagnetic activity.

Ionograms and autoscaled data are freely available in near real time on the SWS website at: SWS HF Systems Section

The SWS World Data Centre is the long term data store for the data that the Australian Space Forecast Centre uses in near real time. The World Data Centre is at: SWS WDC Home Page Solar images, magnetometer data and ionograms are available in the SWS WDC.

Background reading on space weather is available at: SWS Educational Pages

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