[STSP] 50th Anniversary

Phil Wilkinson phil at ips.gov.au
Tue Sep 25 08:01:38 EST 2007

Dear Colleagues,

you may be aware that 4 October 2007 is the 50th year anniversary of the
launch of Sputnik and the dawn of the Space Age. It also marks the
start of International Space Week, 4-10 October.

Celebrating these events, and encouraging others to celebrate them,
is one way to encourage Australians to become involved with space
science and to develop the Australian space science community.

Hopefully your region will be holding some talks or other events
to mark the Sputnik anniversary and International Space Week.
Below are details of the events that I know of in the Sydney
region, all held at the Powerhouse Museum or Sydney Observatory. 
A flyer is also attached.

Please forward this email or the flyer to interested people
and encourage them to attend one or more events. In addition,
please let me know of any "space" events occurring in your
region of Australia during International Space Week - and
consider holding similar events next year.

With best wishes,

Iver Cairns

(Chair, National Committee for Space Science,
Australian Academy of Science).

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