aurora alert

anonymous anonymous at fakedomain.ips
Thu Nov 11 00:31:42 EST 2004


Location: Woodbridge (Southern Tasmania)
Temp: approx. 15 degrees celcius
Time: 12.15pm

Sighting: We observed satin sheets of light spreading in different directions
across the sky. The lights were whitish blue and varied in shape. Some were
beaming like a torch and there was as if a large torch was being pointed
up to the sky and moved side to side fairly quickly. Some were shaped in
a large half ring which came from the left direction from where we were looking
and slowly swept over the top of us. From anon at fakedomain.ips
lights were, also escaped sheets of light. Additional observations include
constant light from a 270 degree radius which were stronger with brightness
than other areas. I attempted to get footage on video camera, however I am
not sure the camera was able to pick up the occurence as it does not like
filming without some light.

The whole event was breathtaking but also mysterious.

Dan & Lyn

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