[STSP] Decadal Plan Workshop & ASSC
Phil Wilkinson
phil at ips.gov.au
Mon Sep 15 08:57:06 EST 2008
Dear All,
below is a reminder about this year's ASSC meeting, on in Canberra
29 September - 1 October inclusive. Apart from the excellent science,
there will also be a Workshop of the Decadal Plan for Australian Space
Science. Draft programs are available at the ASSC website
http://www.assc.nssa.com.au , as are the registration and accomodation
The Workshop will include a Townhall video-conference meeting with
space scientists (primarily Earth observation / remote sensing people)
at the Australasian Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Conference [Darwin],
as well as vital sessions on the status of the Plan, its science
and projects, its structures, its relationships with NCRIS & DIISR and
industry, and the next steps towards Government support and
Government/industry funding. Briefing documents will be available
on the web next week. Votes are envisaged on community support
for the Plan and proposed future steps.
Please attend, and also encourage others to attend, both ASSC and the Plan
Workshop. You will need to register to attend.
Yours sincerely,
(Iver Cairns, Chair, National Committee for Space Science,
Chair, Steering Committee for the Decadal Plan, and
Co-Chair, ASSC).
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 11 Sep 2008 21:47:40 +1000
From: assconference at nssa.com.au
To: cairns at physics.usyd.edu.au
Subject: ASSC: 2 weeks to go! Be apart of the largest space science gathering.
The Australian Space Science Conference is only 2 weeks away. The
program is confirmed and boasts some excellent presenters and space
science research. All information relating to the ASSC can be found
at: www.assc.nssa.com.au
We will also be hosting an international delegation of
representatives from Ukraine Space Agency.
The rates for this ASSC are lower than last year and provide an
excellent opportunity for attendance and personal professional
development. Meet new people, exchange ideas and network.
As part of the conference program, there will be a dinner on the
Tuesday and a public seminar on Wednesday. This is a wonderful
opportunity to socialise with other delegates in a relaxed and open
atmosphere. Places are limited, so please RSVP as soon as possible.
There will be two poster sessions as part of the ASSC. These poster
sessions provide an opportunity for further discussion. It will also
include an hour of drinks with nibbles and we encourage everyone to
A copy of the Program Booklet will be available shortly. This Booklet
includes a comprehensive list of all invited speakers, presenters,
posters and copies of the abstracts submitted. In addition we have
also placed a shortened overview, which is smaller in size and has
the essential ASSC information.
We look forward to welcoming you to the space science event in
Iver Cairns
Anny Joseph
Professor Iver Cairns,
Australian Professorial Fellow and Research Professor in Space Physics.
School of Physics, Email: cairns at physics.usyd.edu.au
University of Sydney,
NSW 2006, Work phone: +61-2 9351-3961
Australia Work fax: +61-2 9351-7726.
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