[STSP] IHY2007 April Newsletter
Phil Wilkinson
phil at ips.gov.au
Tue Apr 24 14:46:38 EST 2007
IHY Newsletter
April 2007
Editor: K. S. Balasubramaniam (bala at nso.edu)
Note: Please do not "reply" to this email.
Please compose a separate email.
Please do not include the contents of this newsletter in your email.
* Space Weather DVD
* Planetary maps available - Hungary
* IHY Student/Teacher Teams - Africa - workshops
* IHY News from Europe
* IHY Ireland Update.
* IHY-UK's Sun Earth Plan Educational Resources Web-site
* IHY Workshop at ARIES, Nainital, India during May 7-10,2007
* Norwegian IPY-ICESTAR
* IHY 2007 Photo contest Rules
* IHY Symposium and Sputnik 50th Anniversary Celebration
* SEVAN Network Gets A Push!
* IHY UNO Workshop
* NASA-sponsored Heliophysics Summer School
* Space Weather DVD
Dear Space Weather and IHY experts,
As you may remember many of you have contributed in 2002 to the
world-wide first space weather CD-Rom (English, French and German
translations). This CD-Rom is available on
In 2007 we have foreseen to produce within the SWEETS project (Space
Weather and Europe an Educational Tool with the Sun) for the European
Science Week a very extended, updated and new space weather DVD, which
will also include related contributions from the International
Heliophysical Year. In addition it is foreseen to publish the new space
weather DVD in several more languages (especially European ones).
Therefore I would kindly ask you to contribute by means of text, images
and videos/movies to the new space weather DVD.
If you wish to contribute, please give your inputs as soon as possible
(not later until 30 April 2007) in the following manner to
Jansen at 1A-FirstApplications.com
- content inputs related to space weather / IHY science/research,
effects, international activities, public outreach / education (space
weather in the media / schools etc.) and others as - text (in English)
in word files, images (with English caption) as jpeg files and movies
in standard DVD format. Please indicate the origin of your inputs and
allowance for usage on the DVD.
Please forward this message to further potentially interested
colleagues, institutions and companies. This would be a great chance
again to push forward the space weather community. It is foreseen to
publish the DVD in November 2007.
If you have further hints or questions, do not hesitate to contact me
directly under the coordinates written below.
With best regards
Dr. Frank Jansen
Space Weather Observatory Greifswald and 1A Greifswald
Technology Centre Vorpommern
Brandteichstr. 20
D-17489 Greifswald
Tel. +49 3834 762 463
Mobile: +49 176 24267648
Skype: lieven1305
Fax: +49 3834 550222
email: jansen at 1A-FirstApplications.com, http://www.1A-FirstApplications.c=
* Planetary maps available - Hungary
We are making planetary maps,for high school students. We gladly would
contribute with such maps (wall poster size) but we can not pay for the
transportation of the maps (we made them for free, shipping cost is
enormous for us).
Please take a look at them at
We have several hundreds, we would give them for free, but shipping is a
* IHY Student/Teacher Teams - Africa - workshops
In advance of the upcoming IHY-Africa, and IHY-SCiNDA workshops (November
2007, Addis Ababa), NC A&T plans to conduct summer space science institute
for student-teacher teams, inspired by IHY and IPY. The TENTATIVE window of
time is July 16-20. The program is tailored for high school students,
in-service and preservice teachers. While this program involves mainly high
school teachers and students, we plan to use this opportunity to partnerat
all levels. This experience will be used to conduct outreach in Addis Ababa.
Further more the experience gained in Addis Ababa, can be expanded to the
rest of Africa.
We are looking partners in several fronts
1. Institute instructor
2. IHY and IPY educational resources
3. Access to remote telescopes and other space science facilities
Our outreach website is located at http://sirius-c.ncat.edu/IHY-IPY
Please fill out out the partnership form located at
Important note: Financial support applies only to US K12 students and
teachers. Those of you contributing to the program from outside USA but this
does not limit us from sharing information.
Benefits to partnership: You and your organization will be listed as partners
to this and upcoming activities. Also we learn and practice, with many
colleagues around the world, on effective outreach models. Most importantly
you will use this opportunity to conduct your own outreach activities.
Please pass this information to anyone interested.
Thank you
Abebe Kebede
Associate Professor of Physics
NC A&T State University
* IHY News from Europe
Transmitted by C. Briand
European IHY General Assembly :
Torino (Italy) - June 18-22, 2007
"European Implication on the large infrastructures of the future"
The program of the solicited talks is almost finalized. You can find
all the information on the web page : http://ihy2ega.oato.inaf.it/
Deadline for abstract submission : April 30th, 2007
European Geophysical Union
A specific town hall will take place on Wednesday April, 18th.
A few presentations are already foreseen to present activities in the
frame of IHY, ICESTAR and COST. If you want to give a short
contribution please contact C. Briand (carine.briand at obspm.fr)
Kid's drawings exhibition on our web page
More than 100 drawings from the kids !! This oblige us to give a new look=
to the page...
vist the section on outreach / Kids drawings
Open doors day: June 10th, 2007
47 institutes/museums etc ... are now implicated. You can read the
details of the activities planned in each institutes from our web page
(http://www.lesia.obspm.fr/IHY). You are still in time to participate.
Please contact your regional/national coordinator and Cristina Rabello
Suarez if you want to join. This is indeed a good opportunity for the
public to hear about our research center of interest. If the 10th,
which a Sunday, is not convenient for you, participate on day 9th. So,
it will become a "Week-end" of the heliosphere !!
ESA broadcast quality footage New movies are
available from the ESA web site :
http://television.esa.int/mpeg.cfm Coimbra
Solar Observatory Earth Climate and Space
Weather The Earth's Poles and Climate Change
Use it for your presentations and invite the communication media of your
countries to use them also. Free access via FTP.
Now from some countries in Europe:
>From Bulgaria - Transmitted by K. Goergieva
April 12: "Cosmos - near and remote" and astronomical observations
April 12 - "Day of Astronautics, Yuri's Night World Space Party
April 23 - World day of Astronomy
>From Italy - Transmitted by F. Zuccarello on behalf of the Italian coord=
1.National Program: "Competition for Secondary Schools", coordinated by I=
Ermolli (INAF/OAR)
2.Schools of L'Aquila: "Solar activity and geomagnetic storms": students =
of the
Istituto Superiore "D. Cotugno" (other schools will be involved in the ne=
future) analyze solar activity, interplanetary structures, geomagnetic ac=
on the basis of space and ground-based heliophysical data and present the=
results in a public conference.
3.Catania Astrophysical Observatory: "Observe the sky and draw your emoti=
ons" -
children up 10 years old are invited to send drawings on the Sun, the sol=
system or other astronomical objects. The drawings will be posted on an a=
web page and the authors of the most interesting drawings will be awarded=
a prize
4.Department of Physics and Astronomy of the Catania University and Catan=
Astrophysical Observatory jointly promote the competition "A Solar presen=
students of Secondary Schools are invited to prepare Power-Point presenta=
tions on
the Sun and Sun-Earth relationships.
5.European Competition for kids drawings (Elementary Schools) for the COS=
Calendar - coordinated by INGV (http://ionos.ingv.it/IHY/ihy_index.html )=
. The
English version is available at: http://ionos.ingv.it/IHY/resources.html =
6.The IHY brochure is now available in Italian. Available from the IHY ma=
in page:
Advanced Training
The scientific programme "Series of Events on Relations in the Sun-Earth =
and Space Weather" (SERSES) offers a coherent series of courses for young
researchers in the years 2006-2009 in different disciplines which concur =
to the
Sun-Earth relationships, and presents the solar-terrestrial environment a=
s a
global system in order to allow a significant improvement in the global k=
of the entire system. SERSES courses will be organized at L'Aquila, in cl=
cooperation, by the Consorzio Area di Ricerca in Astrogeofisica and the
International School of Space Science of the Consorzio Interuniversitario=
Fisica Spaziale:
1) Spring 2006: The Physics of the Sun (i.e. The Active Sun on your Activ=
2) Fall 2006: Solar Terrestrial Physics
3) Spring 2007: Magnetospheric dynamics (9-15 April 2007)
4) Fall 2007: Turbulence and Waves in Space Plasmas (9-15 September, 2007=
5) Spring 2008: Geomagnetism and Ionosphere
6) Fall 2008: Solar-terrestrial relations in Antarctica
>From Norway - Transmitted by N. Ostgaard
The IPY-ICESTAR home page which is part of the ICESTAR/IHY program is now=
>From Romania - Transmitted by C. Dumitrache
A new version of the IHY Romania web site : http://www.astro.ro/~ihy .
>From Slovakia - Transmitted by V. Rusin
Among a lot of activities (please contact V. Rusin for the full list) : O=
in Astronomy for scholars: a competition of scholars for basic (11-14 yea=
rs) and
grammar (15-18 years) schools
>From Spain - Transmitted by J.A. Bonet
The Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias has opened a specific IHY web pa=
ge :
The movie made on the solar wind is available there (section documental).=
versions exist (English and Spanish).
>From Turkey - Transmitted by A. Ozguc
Prof. Yurdanur Tulunay is now IHY national education and outreach coordin=
ator of
* IHY Ireland Update.
On March14th here in my home town I did a Solar System PowerPoint
presentation to 42 Cub Scouts and their leaders.My presentation is
about our Solar System and the many robot explorers who are out there
taking in the view on our behalf,including SOHO.
I also have a section on the night sky and this is evolving in response
to demand.
Emphasis was in part on our sun, I also ran the wonderful Cosmic
Collisions DVD that came in the Sun/Earth Day Pack. The cubs and the
adults loved this and you could hear a pin drop they were so quiet,
adults and children alike sitting on the floor.
Space and dinosaurs a wining combination
I am considering running Cosmic Collisions as part of a presentation I am
giving to the public on March 26th, as it was so well received by the Cub=
I will be running a more developed version of this presentation for the
general public,on August 9th in the Education Centre in Wicklow
Mountains National Park here in Co Wicklow Ireland. I hope to get
some more 3D glasses to show off the poster to more than one person at
a time.
Solar Wind the movie, I downloaded this morning, and it is very good.
www.iac.es/AIH There you can find and download the movie about the
Solar Wind (Spanish and English versions).
Deirdre Kelleghan
Irish Astronomical Society 1937 - 2007
* IHY-UK's Sun Earth Plan Educational Resources Website
The IHY-UK has developed SunEarthPlan.net (http://sunearthplan.net),
a comprehensive website addressing all elements of heliophysics, with
exciting articles, wonderful imagery, and a special section answering
"Your Questions" about space and heliophysics. The project is led by
Dr. Jim Wild of Lancaster University, who serves as the Project
Coordinator, along with Piers Bizony (Principal Science Writer), Dr.
Lucie Green (IHY-UK Outreach Coordinator), and a stunning array of
helio-physicists. There are many features on the site, and it provides
an excellent introduction to heliophysics and IHY. This is a great
resource for all members of the IHY community, and a convenient
answer to the familiar question: "Heliophysical? What's that??"
* IHY Workshop at ARIES, Nainital, India during May 7-10,2007
An IHY Workshop is being organized on "Super Active Regions of Solar
Cycle 23 and their Geo-Space Impact" at ARIES, Nainital, India, in
collaboration with CAWSES-India program, during 7-10 May, 2007. You
may find the Registration Form and more information at the workshop
web site (http://aries.ernet.in/ihyw07/ihyw07.html). Please submit
your abstract with the filled in registration form by e-mail or fax
(e-mail: ihyw07 at aries.ernet.in; Fax no: +91-5942-233439).
Abstract submission deadline: March 20, 2007.
Local hospitality will be provided to all the participants.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any queries.
Wahab Uddin and P.K. Manoharan
wahab at aries.ernet.in
mano at ncra.tifr.res.in
* Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2007
Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2007
May 19-24, 2007
Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall, Japan
Meeting details: http://www.jpgu.org/meeting_e/index.html
Special session (IGY+50 from the past to the future) and
exhibition (The 50th anniversary of International Geophysical Year)
are planned.
Shinichi Watari
National Institute of Info. & Com. Tech.
* Norwegian IPY-ICESTAR
The Norwegian IPY-ICESTAR program had it's kick-off meeting in February
and the Norwegian IPY started March 1. At the same time the continuous
measurements for a whole year by the Svalbard EISCAT radar started.
A simple aurora prediction system has been developed tailored for the
public. The project is a collaboration with universities and a commercial
weather prediction centre. For the scientific community forecasting the
aurora is nothing new, in particular for planning observations and
sounding rocket launches. However, by adding prediction of weather and
clear sky it will provide a useful tool for aurora hunters and tourists.
Furthermore, awareness of the aurora and the Sun-Earth connection topic i=
also a main driver for this project. A talk will be given at the EGU
meeting in Vienna by Dr. P=E5l Brekke.
Nikolai =D8stgaard =09
Dept. of Physics and Technology, Room 449
University of Bergen, Allegt. 55
Bergen N-5007, Norway
* IHY 2007 Photocontest Rules
1. Eligibility:
Anyone is eligible. But only one photo
per person.
2. Scope of Photo:
Photo should be related to IHY,
and must have been taken between
01January2007 and 31December2007
3. Size of Photo:
Photo must be larger than a postcard
but smaller than A4/Letter.
4. Where to send:
Send via Air Mail without folding
the photo to:
George Maeda
Space Environment Research Center (SERC)
Kyushu University
Hakozaki Campus
Higashi Ward, Fukuoka
Please clearly indicate how you can be
reached (fax or email address).
And please write your name clearly.
5. Prizes:
First Prize is One Hundred U.S. Dollars
and the best photo will be displayed on
the IHY website after the contest is over.
There will be assorted consolation prizes
as well.
6. All photos sent to the above address become
the property of SERC, and shall not be
returned to the sender. (So retain a copy
for yourself.)
7. Best photo shall be selected by SERC
internal staff. Although IHY is an official
event of UN/NASA/ESA, the IHY Photo Contest
is organized solely by SERC. Its decision
is final.
George Maeda
maeda at serc.kyushu-u.ac.jp
SERC, Member of the Technical Staff
(and Assistant Secretary of ULTIMA)
Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan
* IHY Symposium and Sputnik 50th Anniversary Celebration
An IHY Symposium associated with the Sputnik 50th Anniversary
Celebration will be held in Zvenigorod, Russia, November 5 - 11, 2007
The symposium will focus on the following topics:
1.Solar sources of geoeffective disturbances.
2.Interplanetary medium as an energy link between the Sun and the Earth.
3.Magnetosphere, ionosphere and atmosphere response to solar activity eve=
4.Climate, ecology and human life.
Registration deadline: 1 June 2007
Deadline for submission of presentation title : 1 June 2007
Support application deadline : 1 June 2007
Abstract deadline : 1 August 2007
Scientific Organizing Committee : G.A. Zherebtsov (chairman), L.M.
Zelenyi (vice-chairman), V.D. Kuznetsov (vice-chairman), G.A. Kotova
(scientific secretary), N.A. Armand, N.F. Blagoveshenskaya, J. Davila,
N. Gopalswamy, V.M. Grigoriev, V.N. Obridko, M.I. Panasyuk, A.A.
Petrukovich, A.V. Stepanov, D. Webb, Yu.I. Yermolaev, Yu.I. Zetzer.
Local Organizing Committee: V.D. Kuznetsov (chairman), V.N. Obridko
(vice-chairman), G.A. Kotova, I.M. Livshits, E.V. Nepomnyashaya, V.E.
Manchenko, A.I. Osin, E.I. Prutenskaya, A.I. Rez, L.M. Zelenyi
Full details of the Symposium is avaialbe at
For further details contact: kotova at iki.rssi.ru and obridko at izmiran.ru
* SEVAN Network Gets A Push!
The SEVAN (Space Environmental Viewing and Analysis Network, PI Ashot
Chilingarian from Alikhanyan Physics Institute, Armenia) project
received a grant allocated by European Office of Aerospace Research
and Development for Assistance to Basic Research entitled
"Development and installation of new hybrid particle detectors for
creating a world-wide network aimed to conduct space weather
research." The grant will be used for installing the first SEVAN
unit at Zagreb Observatory, Croatia. This unit will be the first
detector designed for detecting cosmic rays in Croatia and its
installation will greatly promote solar physics research in this
country. The installation of the SEVAN detector at Zagreb Observatory
is partially supported by the Mayor of Zagreb and the city Government
The SEVAN network aims to improve fundamental research of solar
physics and space weather conditions and to enable scientists to make
short and long-term forecasts of dangerous consequences of space
storms. New type hybrid particle detectors, as well as modern
electronics and data acquisition software for highly distributed
particle detecting networks were designed and assembled at Cosmic Ray
Division (CRD) of Alikhanyan Physics Institute for the SEVAN.
The network will detect changing fluxes of charged and neutral
species of secondary cosmic rays at different altitudes and latitudes
(with inclusion of near-equator countries), thus turning into a
powerful integrated device employed for exploring solar modulation
effects. The SEVAN network is included as one of the International
Heliophysical Year/United Nations Basic Space Science projects,
namely, the deployment of a number of arrays of small instruments to
take global measurements of space physics-related phenomena.
The second site for SEVAN unit installation will be Bulgaria.
Negotiation has already started with groups from Slovakia, Indonesia,
and Costa-Rica for enlarging the SEVAN network.
For more information on SEVAN, please go to
Veronica Moiseenko
SEVAN project manager
* IHY UNO Workshop
United Nations/Morocco/European Space Agency International Workshop on
the Use of Space Technology for Sustainable Development
Rabat, Morocco, 25 - 27 April 2007
Hosted by the Royal Centre for Remote Sensing
The objectives of this Workshop are: (a) to increase the awareness among
decision makers, and users on the potential benefits of applying space
technology to environmental monitoring and management; (b) to expand the
information and data exchange networking on the use of Earth Observation
data; and (c) to develop regional/national pilot projects that use space
technology to support the sustainable development for Africa.
For Details, see
* NASA-sponsored Heliophysics Summer School
The first of a three-year NASA-sponsored Heliophysics Summer School
will be hosted by UCAR in Boulder, CO, July 30 through August 7, 2007.
The summer school is sponsored by NASA's Living With a Star (LWS)
program and supported by the International Heliophysical Year (IHY)
program. It has three principal goals: 1) To deepen the appreciation of
the basic science of heliophysics for a select group of students as
teachers take them through highly interactive seminars and hands-on
working groups and lab exercises, 2) To analyze new measurements with
the goal of identifying global processes and drivers of the
Sun-heliosphere system outward to the heliopause, and the responses of
planetary magnetospheres, ionosphere and atmospheres, and 3) To
produce a series of textbooks from which heliophysics may be taught at
universities worldwide. The three-year program comprises three thematic
clusters that together cover the scientific basis of the physical
processes that play a role in coupling the Sun's interior to the
planetary environments and atmospheres through the vast heliosphere.
The first 8-day summer school in 2007 covers's 3the plasma physics of
the local cosmos, i.e., the science that is uniquely enabled by our
existence within an environment of ionized gases. The three-year
"heliophysics school" will encompass the entire scientific
discipline now called heliophysics, which was borne of the need for
interdisciplinary and global research in the context of the LWS and IHY
programs. The IHY is participating in 2007 with extra lectures on the
final day that introduce the second and third year themes of explosive
energy conversion/energetic particles and long-term variations of solar
activity/Earth's climate, respectively, and with labs devoted to the
IHY observing programs and data analysis and modeling tools.
Approximately 30 (international) students (including senior
undergraduate students and graduate students with a strong background
in physics, and beginning postdocs in a field of heliophysics) will be
selected each year through a competitive process to participate in the
summer school. Each participant will receive air travel, lodging and a
per diem.
The UCAR Visiting Scientist Programs office will administer the summer
school. The deadline for application submission by students is 15 May
2007; late applications will be considered until all available student
positions are filled. Note that the application deadline has been
extended due to the recent partnering between LWS and IHY. Please see
www.vsp.ucar.edu, call 303-497-8649 or email vsp at ucar.edu for
additional information.
Application materials should include:
* A cover letter briefly stating motivation for application.
* Curriculum Vitae with a list of publications, technical reports and
professional presentations.
* Names and addresses of three references (one must be advisor).
* Graduate school transcripts.
* One to two page statement of interest and relevance to summer
school goals.
Send e-mail or electronic applications to: vsp at ucar.edu.
If you are unable to submit electronically, please mail your
application materials to:
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
Visiting Scientist Programs - Heliophysics Summer School
P.O. Box 3000
Boulder, CO 80307-3000 USA
Please send newsletter contributions to bala at nso.edu
Contributions must be in simple text within the body
of the email.
Should you want to be removed from this list,
please send an email to: bala at nso.edu
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