[STSP] STSP and Space Science Events at next week's 2006 Australian Institute of Physics Congress

Iver Cairns cairns at physics.usyd.edu.au
Fri Dec 1 15:47:21 EST 2006

Dear Colleagues,

this email is directed mostly to members of the Solar Terrestrial and
Space Physics (STSP) Group of the AIP and to members of the Australian
space science community.

Next week will be holding numerous STSP events at the 2006 AIP Congress 
in Brisbane, arranged by the STSP Committee and (especially) by Brad
Carter (USQ) who is our representative on the Program Committee. I want
to encourage you to attend as many of the STSP events as possible, but
especially the lunchtime STSP Business Meeting and Decadal Plan meeting.

Note that the Consultation/Discussion meeting on the Decadal Plan for
Space Science is a very important opportunity for you to comment on
the draft Plan. This cannot be stressed enough.

(1) STSP Committee Elections - Tuesday lunchtime, 1220-1400, Room P4

   We need to elect a new STSP Committee for the next 2 years. I think it
appropriate to step down. If we returned to earlier traditions then the
new Chair would be local to the next Congress, implying an Adelaide
(or SA at least)-based Chair. Please consider whether you would like to
stand for Chair or member of the STSP Committee for the period

(2) Consultation/Discussion involving the Decadal Plan for Space Science -
     Wednesday lunchtime, 1220-1415.

This is a crucial opportunity for members of the Space Science community
to have input into the first Australian Decadal Plan for Space Science.
It follows a brief overview of the Plan's status in the STSP session from
1200 - 1220.

(3) Lunchtime meetings: buy your lunch on their way into the conference
or at the mid-morning break and bring that into the lunch meeting. We
tried hard to obtain a reasonable catered "box lunch" alternative and
neither the Convention Center nor the Conference Organiser (ICMS) was

(4) Two (2!) STSP Plenary Speakers - Wednesday 0830-0915 and 1430-1515.

We worked very hard to obtain these two plenaries and need people to
attend them.

(5) We worked very hard to obtain eight (8!) oral sessions and 8 Keynote
speakers. Please make sure that you attend their talks, which will give us
insights into international space physics results and the nation's bredth
of expertise in space science. The focus is NOT just on space physics.

Monday: 1040-1800 3 STSP Oral Sessions

         1800-2000 STSP Poster Session

Tuesday: 1040-1800 3 STSP Oral Sessions

          1220-1400 STSP Business Meeting

Wednesday: 1040-1220 and 1540-1740 2 STSP Oral Sessions

            1220-1415 Decadal Plan for Space Science Consultation

            0830-0915 Southwood Plenary

            1430-1515 Chapman Plenary.

Above all. Enjoy the meeting. With best wishes,

Iver Cairns (Chair), Brad Carter (Program Committee Rep.), and the
STSP Committee (Bob Dewar, Marc Duldig, Brian Fraser, Trevor Harris,
Murray Parkinson, Phil Wilkinson, and Bob Vincent).


Professor Iver Cairns, 
Australian Professorial Fellow and Research Professor in Space Physics.

School of Physics,       Email: cairns at physics.usyd.edu.au
University of Sydney, 
NSW 2006,                Work phone: +61-2 9351-3961
Australia                Work fax:   +61-2 9351-7726.

Chair, National Committee for Space Science (Australian Academy of 

Chair, Solar-Terrestrial and Space Physics Group of the 
Australian Institute of Physics.


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