[STSP] Messel Postdoctoral Fellowships at U. Sydney

Iver Cairns cairns at physics.usyd.edu.au
Mon Sep 4 14:36:56 EST 2006

Dear Colleagues,

below is an advert for the Messel Postdoctoral Fellowship, to be
held at the School of Physics, University of Sydney. Please forward this 
to interested people, especially those in the area of space
physics or, more generally, space science. With best wishes,


Professor Harry Messel Research Fellowship Faculty of Science
School of Physics

The School  of Physics is one  of the largest in  Australia with about
100 academic/research  staff and more than  100 postgraduate students.
It  has a  vibrant research  program in  experimental  and theoretical
physics focusing  on applied physics  & material science,  astronomy &
astrophysics, (bio) medical physics & brain dynamics, condensed matter
theory,  high energy  physics, optics  & photonics,  plasma  physics, 
space physics &  physics education (for details  please see

The School  invites applications  for the prestigious  Professor Harry
Messel Postdoctoral Research Fellowship.

The Fellowship is research focused  and the appointee will do research
that strengthens  and/or complements existing programs.   There is the
opportunity   to   supervise  the   research   of  undergraduate   and
postgraduate students and contribute to the School's teaching program.

You  will be looking  to develop  your academic  career and  will have
gained a  PhD (or  the equivalent)  in the past  five years.   You can
demonstrate  a strong  research record  and  you have  the ability  to
attract external funding.

This is an opportunity to join a motivated professional team in one of
Australia's most prestigious research and teaching institutions.

All applications  must be completed online by  clicking 'apply online'
below.  A copy of the selection  criteria can be viewed by clicking PD
preview.  Specific enquiries about the  role can be directed to Dympna
Austin  on (02) 9036  7295 or  e-mail d.austin at usdy.edu.au  To discuss
your  field of research  please contact  A/Professor Geraint  Lewis on
e-mail: gfl at physics.usyd.edu.au

The position is fixed  term for one year and is renewable  for up to 3
years  subject to the  completion of  a satisfactory  probation and/or
confirmation period  for new  appointees and annual  progress reviews.
Membership  of  a  University  approved  superannuation  scheme  is  a
condition of employment for new appointees.

Remuneration package:  $80,126 - $95,150  p.a. (which includes  a base
salary Level  B $67,708 -  $80,403 p.a., leave  loading and up  to 17%
employer's contribution to superannuation).

Closing: 15 October 2006


     Geraint F. Lewis       Associate Professor
     Chair (Research Cmte)    School of Physics
     A29 University of Sydney          NSW 2006
     Australia   Email: gfl at physics.usyd.edu.au
     PhN(PhX):   +61 2 9351 5184 (7726)
     Mbl:        0424 254 551

     "We are probably nearing the limit of all
                 we can know about astronomy."
      Simon Newcomb (1888)



Professor Iver Cairns, 
Australian Professorial Fellow and Research Professor in Space Physics.

School of Physics,       Email: cairns at physics.usyd.edu.au
University of Sydney, 
NSW 2006,                Work phone: +61-2 9351-3961
Australia                Work fax:   +61-2 9351-7726.


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