[STSP] Space weather: Advertisement for a postdoctoral position at U. Sydney

Iver Cairns cairns at physics.usyd.edu.au
Mon May 1 18:19:16 EST 2006

Dear David, Phil, and fellow STSP people,

attached is the advertisement for a postdoctoral fellowship in the area of
Space Weather at the University of Sydney. The postdoc will work on a
collaboration between IPS Radio and Space Services and the University of

Please forward the advertisement to interested people. Feel free to contact
me or Peter Robinson if you have questions. Best wishes,

Iver Cairns


Professor Iver Cairns, 
Australian Professorial Fellow and Research Professor in Space Physics.

School of Physics,       Email: cairns at physics.usyd.edu.au
University of Sydney, 
NSW 2006,                Work phone: +61-2 9351-3961
Australia                Work fax:   +61-2 9351-7726.

Chair, National Committee for Space Science (Australian Academy of 

President, Section ST (Solar Terrestrial), and Council Member 
of the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS)

Chair, Division IV (Solar Wind and Interplanetary Magnetic field) 
of the International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (IAGA)

Chair, Solar-Terrestrial and Space Physics Group of the 
Australian Institute of Physics.

Associate Editor, Journal of Geophysical Research - Space Physics

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