[ips-sf] ASWFC Summary Forecast for 24 April - issued 0245UT/24-Apr-2023 [SEC=OFFICIAL]

rwc rwc at ips.gov.au
Mon Apr 24 12:45:53 EST 2023

An Earth-directed halo CME first observed on 21-Apr has arrived on UT
day 23-Apr, with a strong shock in the solar wind detected at
23/1700UT. G4 planetary geomagnetic conditions have been observed
since. Mostly G2 geomagnetic conditions were observed in Australia,
with an isolated period of G3 observed at Hobart. Strong sustained
southward IMF conditions have been observed from 24/0109UT and are
ongoing. G3-G4 geomagnetic conditions are therefore possible on
24-Apr. Solar activity on UT day 24-Apr is expected to be at the R0
level, with a chance of R1. The solar wind is expected to be very
strong to strong. S1 solar radiation conditions were briefly observed
on 23-Apr, with further periods of S1 possible on 24-Apr. Maximum
usable frequencies (MUFs) are expected to be near predicted monthly
values to 15% depressed, particularly in southern Australian regions.
HF radio communication conditions are expected to be degraded,
particularly during local night and local dawn hours.

Australian Space Weather Forecasting Centre
Bureau of Meteorology
ASWFC at bom.gov.au
www.bom.gov.au | www.sws.bom.gov.au

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