[ips-sf] IPS Summary Forecast for 08 July - issued 2350UT/07-Jul-2014
rwc at ips.gov.au
Tue Jul 8 09:50:48 EST 2014
Smoothed sunspot numbers suggest that solar maximum in the Sun's
southern hemisphere may have peaked earlier this year. However, the
Sun is still in the grip of an extended “solar max”. Today, the 10.7
cm solar radio flux is about 200 and the sunspot number is about 150.
Active Regions 2108 and 2109 are large and magnetically complex. AR
2108 is traversing the central meridian and will soon enter the
geo-effective “sweet spot”. AR 2108 and 2109 may produce an M class
solar flare in coming days. However, so far these large active regions
have only produced weak C class solar flares. The solar wind speed
arriving at Earth has been light and is trending upward, near to 340
km/s at present. Intervals of unsettled geomagnetic conditions are
possible during the next 3 days. Conditions for HF radio propagation
are expected to remain strong because of the intense solar UV flux
emanating from the large active regions located on the visible disk of
the Sun.
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