Aurora Reports - Australian National VHF DX Group (ANVDG)

anonymous anonymous at fakedomain.ips
Tue Nov 9 22:15:01 EST 2004

Radio Aurora Scatter was noted in south east Australia and New Zealand
yesterday morning and afternoon/evening the 8th November from about 0000 UTC
to around 1200 UTC.

We are using 144 MHz Amateur Radio on SSB mode. Signals were noted from
VK7MO in Hobart to stations as far north as VK2EMA near Dubbo NSW, the
Broken Hill beacon and VK2EI at Port Macquarie as far west as VK5DK and
VK5NC in Mt Gambier and VK5ZLX and VK5UBC near Adelaide. All areas were
covered in between including VK1ZQR in Canberra and VK3BG near Yarrawonga.
This is close to the limit on a North South path.
ZL3TY in New Zealand worked a number of stations on the east coast of
Australia on 50 MHz up to 2000 km which is also near the maximum distance
for an East-West path

The peak of the Aurora activity appeared to be around 0400 UTC, very strong
signals were noted, possibly the strongest Radio Aurora heard in many years.

Information is being posted on the ANVDG website at
http://users.bigpond/anvdg/australian_aurora_scatter_studie.htm and this
includes screen captures from Spectrogram and Spectran, showing the
different effectes of the Aurora. Well worth a look.

Thanks go to IPS for keeping us up to date with the current Space Weather.


Leigh Rainbird
The Rock Hill
For the Australian National VHF DX Group (ANVDG)

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