[STSP] IPS Consultancy and Development co-ordinator position

Dave Neudegg dave.n at ips.gov.au
Mon Oct 19 15:17:23 EST 2009

• Ionospheric Prediction Service (IPS)
• Sydney

IPS offers radio propagation, geophysical and space weather services to 
Australian and overseas customers and agencies. We are currently seeking 
an appropriately skilled
manager within the IPS Consultancy and Development Section to; (i) 
coordinate development of new or extension of existing services, in 
collaboration with IPS Services
section, delivered via software using data analysis and modelling (ii) 
execute, coordinate other staff, and liaise with customers on radio 
system modelling consultancy tasks
(iii) perform enabling radio and space weather research to improve 
services (iv) manage a section of 3-5 staff.

This includes the development and maintenance of good customer 
relations, project coordination, and a practical understanding of radio 
(HF within the ionosphere, VHF/UHF through the ionosphere and in the 
lower atmosphere and across terrain, LF/MF surface wave over terrain) with
knowledge of physical modelling, data analysis, statistics, radio 
systems, and good computer programming or software development 
coordination skills.

Many of the IPS services can be viewed at
http://www.ips.gov.au/ .

A degree in physics or an allied subject is required, with a 
postgraduate degree preferred, and demonstrated experience in space 
weather, solar-terrestrial physics,
radio propagation, communication systems and software development is 
highly desirable.

For a comprehensive position description, requirements and application 
details visit our website at
or email
recruitment at ips.gov.au
and quote ‘10640’ in the subject line. Contact officer for enquiries is 
David Neudegg on (02) 9213 8000.

Applications must address the selection criteria and be submitted by 
close of business, Thursday, 29 October 2009 by email to 
recruitment at ips.gov.au

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