[STSP] ICSU Young Scientists Conference 2007 - call for participant nominations (fwd)

Iver Cairns cairns at physics.usyd.edu.au
Fri Sep 29 17:25:41 EST 2006

Dear All,

this is an NCSS item - please pass this email on to "Young Scientists" who 
want to attend the ICSU Young Scientists conference in 2007, are in Earth 
Sciences and might fit the required specifications. Looks like it
will mostly be people in the remote sensing and planetary geology 
areas - but perhaps it depends how inventive you are. Ciao,


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2006 10:17:13 +1000
From: Jeanette Mill <jeanette.mill at science.org.au>
To: allan.canty at utas.edu.au, cairns at physics.usyd.edu.au, colless at aao.gov.au,
     francis.rose at dsto.defence.gov.au, gleadow at unimelb.edu.au,
     j.brandmiller at mmb.usyd.edu.au, john.chappell at anu.edu.au, jww at rsc.anu.edu.au,
     lhead at uow.edu.au, marjorie at netspace.net.au, max at maccs.mq.edu.au,
     milburn at physics.uq.edu.au, pcolman at wehi.edu.au, r.williamson at unimelb.edu.au,
     ray.norris at csiro.au, robaxter at med.usyd.edu.au,
     robert.vincent at adelaide.edu.au, roger.gifford at csiro.au,
     rubin at ms.unimelb.edu.au, tj.higgins at csiro.au, trevor.ireland at anu.edu.au,
     b.graham at victorchang.unsw.edu.au, guttmann at unimelb.edu.au,
     j.shine at garvan.org.au, jenny.graves at anu.edu.au, john.ralston at unisa.edu.au,
     julie.campbell at uq.edu.au, kurt.lambeck at anu.edu.au, l.field at unsw.edu.au,
     lrogers at une.edu.au, mcfadden at grapevine.com.au, michael.dopita at anu.edu.au,
     p.kuchel at mmb.usyd.edu.au, p.ladiges at unimelb.edu.au, rfrater at resmed.com.au,
     sally.smith at adelaide.edu.au, trevor.mcdougall at csiro.au
Subject: ICSU Young Scientists Conference 2007 - call for participant

Dear Council Member, National Committee Chair,

Global Scientific Challenges: Perspectives from Young Scientists, an international
conference celebrating 75 years of ICSU, 4-6 April 2007, Lindau, Germany.

To celebrate the 75th Anniversary of the International Council for Science (ICSU),
the Australian Academy of Science will sponsor up to three delegates to attend the
ICSU Young Scientists Conference in 2007. No more than one delegate each in the
fields of Earth Sciences, Plant Science or Physiological Science will be sponsored.
These three fields have been selected because special purpose funds are available
to support travel by early-career researchers working in these disciplines.

Nominees must fit the participant profile in the attached conference description document, and be active in at least one of the scientific topics to be discussed at the conference.

The three scientists recommended to ICSU will be chosen by an Academy selection committee.

Nominations must be on the attached nomination form and accompanied by a Curriculum Vitae. Please submit nominations by COB Monday 16 October 2006 to:

Jeanette Mill

National Relations Officer

Australian Academy of Science

E jeanette.mill at science.org.au <BLOCKED::mailto:jeanette.mill at science.org.au>

P 02 6201 9413

F 02 6201 9494

GPO Box 783, Canberra, ACT, Australia, 2601

Yours sincerely

SW Serjeantson

Executive Secretary

28 September 2006


From: Jeanette Mill
Sent: Wednesday, 20 September 2006 9:39 AM
To: Jeanette Mill
Subject: FW: ICSU Young Scientists Conference 2007 - call for participant nominations

Dear ICSU National Members,

Please see attached an important letter asking you to nominate a young scientist to take part in our upcoming international conference, titled "Global Scientific Challenges: Perspectives from Young Scientists".

The deadline for nominations is 15 November 2006.

Thanking you in advance.

Yours sincerely,

Belle Dumé


Nomination letter

Nomination form

Brief conference description


Dr Belle Dumé

Science Communication Officer

International Council for Science (ICSU)

51 boulevard de Montmorency

75016 Paris, France

Tel. +33 1 45 25 03 29

Fax. +33 1 42 88 94 31

Web www.icsu.org



75 years



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