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Iver Cairns cairns at physics.usyd.edu.au
Wed Apr 12 15:56:54 EST 2006

Dear All,

please consider this matter and either send comments direct to me, IAGA,
or ICSU. Thank you,

-------------- next part --------------
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Date: Wed, 05 Apr 2006 12:30:04 -0600
From: Jo Ann Joselyn <Joann.C.Joselyn at noaa.gov>
To: ec at iugg.org, "CMG.pres" <dan at segovia.mit.edu>,
         "CMG.SG" <mspieg at ldeo.columbia.edu>,
         "CryoSci.pres" <georg.kaser at uibk.ac.at>,
         "CryoSci.SG" <peter.jansson at natgeo.su.se>,
         "Georisk.Pres" <Alik.Ismail-Zadeh at gpi.uni-karlsruhe.de>,
         "Georisk.SG" <tetzlaff at uni-leipzig.de>,
         "SEDI.Pres" <buffett at geosci.uchicago.edu>,
         "SEDI.SG" <bergman at simons-rock.edu>
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Subject: [IUGG-EC] Geophysical Services and Data Centers
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Dear IUGG EC and Union Commission leaders,

Please answer the following 2 questions that will 
assist me to prepare the IUGG input to a White 
Paper on a future ICSU Federation of Services (to 
replace the present Federations of Astronomical 
and Geophysical Data Analysis Services, FAGS). 
The list of present Services within FAGS is given 
below, as is additional information about what is 
driving this question. Although most Services are 
concentrated within IAG, IAGA and IAPSO also 
include a service within their structures.

Your quick response is needed by the end of 
April. I will feedback the results for further 
discussion in the months ahead.

Question 1: What other services might be included 
in a much broader Federation? We do not yet 
presume the advantages of participation in such a 
Federation - that is yet to be defined. Please 
list only services where you have knowledge of 
the quality of the service provided. That is, you 
either contribute data used by the service or use 
their service in your scientific work.

Question 2: What international data centers do 
you either deposit data into, or withdraw data 
from? This interesting question implies that 
Unions (more than one) might be asked to take 
increased responsibility for data center 
oversight. But that would be only after a lot of 
thought and discussion over the next year or so.

Thanks very much - JoAnn

Present FAGS members:
* 1. International Earth Rotation and Reference system Services (IERS)
* 2. Bureau Gravimetrique International (BGI)
* 3. International GPS Service for Geodynamics (IGS)
* 4. International Center for Earth Tides (ICET)
* 5. Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level (PSMSL)
* 6. International Service of Geomagnetic Indices (ISGI)
* 7. Quarterly Bulletin on Solar Activity (QBSA)
* 8. International Space Environment Service (ISES)
* 9. World Glacier Monitoring Service (WGMS)
* 10. Centre des Donn?es astronomiques de Strasbourg (CDS)
* 11. Sunspot Index Data Centre (SIDC)
* 12. International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry (IVS)
These Services are presently supported by IUGG, 
the International Astronomical Union (IAU), and 
the Union of Radio Scientists International 
(URSI). Other ICSU Unions might add to this list 
if they were given the opportunity

A bit more information about what is driving this inquiry:
ICSU's new Strategic Plan (download from their 
web site or ask me for a hard copy) includes an 
activity on data and information. They expect to 
restructure ICSU activities in this arena, and 
develop a coordinated international framework. An 
ad hoc working group will be established by 
September that ultimately will convene a Science 
Data and Information Forum in late 2007 or 2008. 
The White Paper mentioned above will be input to 
the ad hoc Working Group, but will also be useful 
to the GeoUnions (IUGG, IUGS, ISPRS, IGU, IUSS, 
ISPRS, INQUA) as they continue to find ways to 
work together to meet common goals.

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