[ncrs-general] WARS 2008 Conference, Workshop on Applications of Radio Science, Gold Coast, 10-12 February 2008

Geoff.James at csiro.au Geoff.James at csiro.au
Thu Aug 30 23:11:40 EST 2007

Dear Australian radio scientist,

I'm happy to announce that the WARS 2008 Conference, the Australian
Workshop on Applications of Radio Science, will take place at the
Sofitel Gold Coast during 10-12 February 2008.  The National Committee
for Radio Science (NCRS) established the WARS series of conferences to
create a forum for the presentation of current work in radio science,
particularly in Australia, and for discussions between radio scientists
to promote new work.

The WARS Conferences provide an important opportunity for
cross-fertilisation of ideas between the wide range of sub-disciplines
that make up radio science in Australia and  also internationally.  They
provide a forum to discuss and plan new projects that will develop
Australia's contributions to radio science and its applications, both
nationally and internationally.  All WARS papers are fully reviewed, to
meet the DEST E1 classification for refereed papers published in
conference proceedings, and thereby encourage student attendance and
support by Universities.

Submissions are encouraged in any area of radio science, and
particularly in the three focus areas for WARS 2008: cognitive radio,
the Australian SKA Pathfinder, and wireles sensor/actuator networks.
Student submissions are also welcome and there will be a prize for the
best student paper.

For further information, including registration, paper submission, and
special sessions for this conference, see

Best wishes,

Geoff James
Chair, WARS 2008
Principal Research Scientist
T +61 2 9325 3276 F +61 2 9325 3200 M +61 401 681 282

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