20.11.03 aurora

anonymous anonymous at fakedomain.ips
Sat Nov 22 00:54:06 EST 2003

At 11pm on Thursday 20th November  the sky was light at the horizon to the south from Kojonup and for some distance above as though there was a city in the distance making the sky lighter.  It had a couple of shafts (not at all distinct edges) of light sky reaching up much further than the general height.  One to the west of south and a smaller one to the east of south.  The sky was very clear with lots of stars.

There was only whiteness no colours visible.  There was little or no movement except the whiteness faded and returned.  We only watched for about ten minutes. 

I looked again at 1am on 21st, 100% cloud cover.

Thanks for the continuing notification of possible auroras.
Wendy Anderson
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