Aurora activity Tasmania

anonymous anonymous at fakedomain.ips
Wed Oct 2 10:46:45 EST 2002

Dear Sirs
There was a very good display over Southern Tasmania last night.  A lot
of white/green lights with flashing high above [like torches being
flashed across the sky from different directions].  There was a small
bit of orange/red but most green and white.  One person at work said
that he could read his newspaper by the light it was so bright where he
was in Hobart.  Apparently it looked great over Mount Wellington.  Best
I have seen for a while.  You do send me alerts to my home email at
<SNIP Email> for which I thank you.


ANARE Science Planning & Coordination
Australian Antarctic Division
Channel Highway
KINGSTON,   Tasmania   
Australia  7050
Tel: <SNIP>
Fax <SNIP>
email:  <SNIP>
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