Aurora observation

anonymous anonymous at fakedomain.ips
Sun Apr 1 18:20:06 EST 2001

March 31, 2001 14:30 - 20:30 UT

Yanchep, Western Australia 115.691 east   31.650 south

Skies dark and clear. Some light pollution to the south caused by the city of Perth some 40km away.

Mauor aurora observed over the entire observing period. Activity not constant but varied in a 2 hour cycle. When quiet, the aurora was visible as a faint glow to the south and a brighter glow centred at 20 degrees south of due west and 25 degrees in altitude. Nothing visible in between.

Each surge in brightness was heralded by the appearence of several bright rays, followed immediately by an increase in the size and brightness of the glow. At its peak the display extended for 130 degrees in azimuth centred on just west of due south, and about 45 degrees in altitude.

The higher portions were a bright red while near the horizon a green colour could be seen. Numerous bright rays were also visible.

Maurice Clark
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